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Infectious Disease Client & Caregiver Safety

Golden Heart wants you and our caregivers to be safe from COVID-19 and other infectious diseases

Our care services are available in many cities across America.

If you want to work with capable, trained caregivers, contact Golden Heart Senior Care Today!

Protecting You and Our Caregivers from Diseases like COVID-19

To help slow the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases,  Golden Heart Senior Care follows guidelines and best practices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Our professional caregivers are trained to reduce the risk of diseases including COVID-19 infection while providing safe caregiving.  This protects you and our Golden Heart caregivers.


Our Compassionate Caregivers take precautions including:

Completing a personal wellness screening before our caregivers visit a client
Handwashing/sanitizing before coming to your home, while in the home, and after leaving the home
Conducting client wellness screenings each time we begin our caregiving duties
Increasing our emphasis on cleaning and sanitizing your home environment
When showing any potential symptoms or close contact, we immediately quarantine the caregiver and refer them to appropriate medical care
Golden Heart Senior Care is here to help you!

Contact us to schedule your FREE Consultation!

Our Golden Heart Caregivers are the BEST!

We have a wonderful team of COMPASSIONATE CAREGIVERS ready to serve you!
We do background checks on all our caregivers.
We provide our caregivers with training.
Our caregivers are insured and bonded.
We match our caregivers based on your needs.

Our Mission is to Help You Live Your Best Life

We provide Quality Home Care with Compassionate Caregivers and Exceptional Service to ensure your dignity, independence and right to choose how you live your life.
We provide our services across America.
If you want to work with capable, trained caregivers, contact Golden Heart Senior Care today!

Hear What People Saying About Us!